Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Do Be Do

Recently, I agreed to completing some tasks that I know would help move my business forward, yet every time I sat down to get them started something else seemed to take my attention. Then, with the universe conspiring to make me stop and take stock of what was happening, through an illness that required bedrest. I had the time to ponder on why I was really putting off these tasks.

I came to the realisation that I associated the tasks with an identity that I didn't want for myself. I am an artist and a photographer. While the tasks I was working on were business related. I was spending 90% of my time (at least) on business stuff; marketing, promotions, budgets, finances, systems. And next to none on photography. In fact I hadn't picked up my camera for over a fortnight, which would probably surprise those who know me personally. My psyche was trying to tell me that I needed to get back to doing what I love and am.

After a major mental breakdown, through the help of those nearest and dearest to me, it finally came to me (like being hit by a truck comes upon you) that I didn't want the identity of a business person yet everything that I was doing was leading me to be one. I love being a photographer, yet I wasn't doing it - and wondering why I was unhappy and stressed.

Now I am doing what I love - taking beautiful images of all the miracles that the universe puts my way. I also realised that while I don't like doing the other tasks, they do need to be done. So found someone who I trust and who loves doing all the business stuff, and is excellent at it thus making it a win-win situation.

I will become a success, by doing what I love and by being true to myself because that's what I do best. I will also become a success by having a team around me that all love doing what they need to do and trusting that they will do it to the best of their ability. Because no-one lives on this planet by themselves and we need each other to become the best we can be.

The final realisation I had was that it don't matter of the identity you have for yourself, it might be photographer, business person, athlete, speaker or parent. You still need to be doing tasks that are a integral part of that identity. So as a photographer, I take photos. If you are an athlete, you do your chosen sport; if your identity is that of speaker, you get up on stage in front of as many people as often as you can and speak.

In other words, you DO (take the action) to BE (your chosen identity). Just take a moment to really ask yourself are you being and doing all that you can to be the best that you can be.
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