Saturday, January 31, 2009

Introduction to Blogging

This is my first attempt at keeping a personal blog and I would like to thank my most long-term (not oldest) best friend for introducing me to this spot. I have always tried to keep a diary and journal in various times in my life and I feel that writing down one's thoughts and feelings definitely assist in getting things clear in my head as well as keeping a record of memories (both good and bad) for later reference. I tend to get bored easily and I think that is why I love being an artist as no two pieces I work on have to be the same, while the processes might be similar and the basics are always there - the results are somewhat of an unknown until I'm there!! LOL I hope that makes sense to someone other than me. I also love photography, especially portraits (people and animals) as well as nature as these are the ones that tend to evoke emotions in me. I have had experiences of working with both animals and children ( sometimes up to 3000 at a time) and their innocence and lack of inhibition make for fabulous pictures, especially when they are engrossed in something they love.

This is the way my blog will work - I will flit all over the place as my mind connects different ideas, often in the middle of a conversation. That's the way I am and while I know that it drives some people (including my husband) nuts it just seems to be the way my thought patterns work best - most people would not describe me as logical though I can be when I have to - more likely I am an emotional thinker. Thankfully Steve, my husband has learnt to trust my strong intuition though he still can not follow it all the time. We compliment each other as he is extremely logical and organised, which is one reason we have been happily married for nearly 13 years. I will probably not post regularly on this blog - some weeks it might be daily other times it might be ages between posts. It will depend on what is happening in my life, sometimes I might be too busy to have the time or there might not be anything I deem worth sharing, or I might need some dump time and then you will be exposed to all the "stuff" that is going through my head.
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1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's my girl alright, lol!!! We have such different lives, but a shared sisterhood since the age of 9, means I will always love you xoxoxoxo
