Saturday, January 31, 2009

Random Stuff

I borrowed this from Donna's blog, she knicked this off Ngaire's blog, she knicked it off Facebook, sharing is caring!!!!! LOL!!! So, I thought I would leave the answers & add my own as well!!

1. i love wearing scarves and collect them. I would adore a DR WHO style one , one day.
I can't stand anything around my neck, I have a collection of necklaces that go unworn...I think it stems from my Mother dressing me in yellow & other tragic coloured skivvies....
I wear one necklace at a time, though strongly agree with the skivvy thing - could never be a Wiggle

2. I have one pupil noticably larger than the other.
I am long-sighted & have a turned eye, which my daughter & niece both have also...we all wear glasses..
I am blessed with great vision and think that my eyes are one of my best features

3. I would LOVE to change my middle name, but as it is my mothers name would feel too guilty. I would probably change it to Peace.
My middle name is a take on my Grandmother's, and I adored her, so I am happy with first name however is unfeminine I think, I gave my girl's girly names to compensate, lol!!
I don't have a middle name - my parents couldn't agree on one so I missed out though a little girl I once babysat did offer to share hers with me

4. I have a way better body image than actual body. LOL
I have neither a good image or good "real thing", that's on teh improve this year though...
While am not completely happy with the way I currently look and losing weight is on the list of things to do, I am usually comfortable in my own skin

5. I REALLY want to learn to knit. No one has yet been able to teach me. I have tension issues.
I can, but would rather stitch...crocheting is my craft to learn...
I can knit (badly), have no desire to crochet, can sew anything I set my mind to and can even do the basics of leatherwork ... would really love to learn latin dancing

6. I want to get my wrist tattooed in a bracelet style. using my favrouite words as the links. I also want to have a small heart on my right foot and a henna design on my back. Give me a few minutes and this list will grow.
I want a butterfly tattoo on the top of my foot with my children's first initials in the swirly this space....
Never had any great desire to get a tattoo - seen old people with saggy bits tattooed and it isn't pretty. Would like to try a temporary one of a dolphin on my hip if I had to nominate one at all

7. I have scoliosis from carrying a huge bag to high school.
I remember how heavy they were, but I had more trouble being front heavy...and still do...
Remember that my gym bag was usually heavier than my book bag - I tried to select subjects where books weren't usually a requirement but my backpack at uni was a nightmare

8. I want to grow my hair so I can plait it and let it go wild. I am however, really struggling with the whole growing it thing, and think daily of hacking it all off again.
I have tried to grow my hair, with no success, so I just keep it short...
I love having long hair, have cut it short once to raise money for cancer society (a 'friend' offered me $2000) but thankfully its now down to about the middle of my back

9. I want another dog and am trying to talk PB around to a miniature dachshund. I had Dashies as a kid, and love them dearly.. esp their little paws.
I will also want another child...but I won't have anymore...
I would dearly love to have a crowd of pets, unfortunately we are renting and aren't allowed for children I learnt my lesson after two

10. I adore art journalling and feel it has taken over my love of pure Scrapbooking. I feel kinda like I am committing adultery.
I am the least artsy talented person I know, everything I attempt looks like a disaster! I'll stick to scrapping & watercolour pencils....
I love art and am privileged enough to make a living out of it. My creativity comes out in both my artwork and photography

11. I have a deep seated deisre to go to New York City. one day I WILL.
It's Gallipoli for me....
I have a goal to go to every continent on Earth - been to three so far. The list of places I want to experience is many and varied but on top is Italy and Canada

12. I never wear my wedding ring/engagement ring, and dont actually really like them anymore, as they were bought for a woman that doesnt exist now. I think it is because I dont really like that woman.
I get dermatitis, I wear my wedder, it's plain white gold & won't literally com e off...
I never take either my wedding or engagement rings off and haven't from the day I had them put on my finger

13. I really love blogging and would do it even if no one ever read it.
Me too, and now I have let go of the idea that if I don't update regularly I am failing, I will continue to blog whenever I want, with no self-inflicted obligation!!
I am a blogging virgin but can see the addictive quality it could have!

14. I am keeping a diary this year for the first time ever!
I am mentally making each day a happy one, and letting the negative sail....
I have kept a diary at various times in my life, but it is never on a regular basis.

15. I think that my worst trait is procrastinating.. but I also now know I work very well under pressure.
I am going to stop biting my fingernails...I hope...
My worst trait is probably my lack of self belief, something I have struggled to overcome since childhood but which can still sometimes sneak up when I least expect it

16. I sometimes avoid speaking to my mother on the phone.
I sometimes don't have time to speak to anyon eon the phone...
The phone is a necessary evil to help my business going - much prefer talking face to face. Though emails are fabulous for keeping in touch with friends all over the place

17. I am over due for my mammogram.. and MUST get it done very soon.
I haven't had one, but the tim eis coming I guess...
Had to have a mammogram when I found a lump - turned out to be a cyst, but was extremely scary and made me reevaluate some life values

18. I am in danger of aging into a crazy old cat woman who lives on champagne. I am thrilled by the prospect.
Haha!!!! Red wine for me!
Do dogs, champagne and madness all go together in old age?? I hope I live long enough to find out - and when are we old anyway?

19. We have real live green tree frogs in our garden. I think it is because we dont use pesticides at all.
We have gum tress, and no cat anymore, so I am hoping birds might come...
As we live in the city, wildlife is scarce - do get the occasional happy gecko came for a visit though

20. My feet and hands are those of a much smaller person. But I dont fall over too much.
My feet & hands are really small...and I stumble heaps!!!
I'm fairly coordinated and don't fall over often. Hate my feet though, they are ugly but as they are generally considered tiny it makes for some great bargains at sales time

21. My home is too understated for my liking. It is too OVERSTATED for PB's liking.
I am in declutter mode...and I want a "raphael" feature wall...mediterannean red!! So far my husband has had his way....but Holly is at School next year, and one day with a roller I might get busy!!!
The house we are currently living in is not ours, so I can't decorate it my way. Next home we own I want to paint a mural on one wall of the ocean - unless we have a view of a real one.

22. One of my best friends lives next door to me. My oldest and best friend is my longest relationship, and we have been friends for 25 years. I am very proud of both these things.
My BF lives far away....and we have known each other for 29 years...
Ditto ... thank goodness for emails to keep in touch

23. I started drinking coffee again last year after not drinking it since I fell pregnant with Georgie in 1994. I will never drink instant coffee, unless it is in an iced coffee, with lots of icecream.
Coffee tastes awful, I love the smell however.... I have 5+ cups of tea a day....
Hate the smell and taste of drink of choice is a hot chocolate preferable with mashmallows

24. I have no academic qualifications after high school.
Me either...
I have two degrees from university and a couple of other certificates
I am crap at study and detest it. I like it, I just didn't have time....I love learning new things and hope to never stop.
I am good with this. Me too, my "Mother" job I mean...helping my little people study...However I believe the most important lessons we learn are from life

25. I do believe that Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to this world in a long time. However I also worry he wont survive his term in office.
I love the sense of optimism he has given me about the worlds future.
Ditto, ditto & ditto...
Ditto, ditto and ditto...

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