Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What's Your Attitude

Studies have proven beyond all doubt that optimists live longer, healthier lives than pessimists, even when the pessimist's view of life is more accurate. There are umpteen quotes talking about our our attitudes effects our lives. There are a gazillion books on the subject, two of my personal favourites are Brilliant Attitude by Bob Allwright and Attitude, Aptitude, Altitude by Robyn Simpson.

Yet what is an attitude? The dictionary defines it as "mental view, opinion, posture, pose, disposition, behavior." So is it mental - our thoughts and ideas, is it physical - our actions and physiology or spiritual - our values and beliefs? Well yes, it is all these things tied up in one relatively little word. And it effects our whole lives.

Our attitudes are more important than facts. That is why what we tell ourselves is extremely important and in the long run will shape your destiny. Think back to your time in school. What was your attitude? Did you think that it was worthwhile or a waste of time? How did you behave at school? Where your days filled with laughter or loathing? Did you enjoy learning and growing or often feel like a failure?

Now ask yourself how has that shaped who I am today? We can not go back and change the facts of the past. We can however change our attitude towards the events of both the past and the present, which will then in turn change our future.

I have had the privilege of seeing the power of the mind at work when success coaches have done board breaking exercises with clients, some as young as 7 and 8 years old. This involves just what it sounds like - you get a piece of pine board about 2cm thick and break it with your bare hand. One time stands out in my mind when I was working with a young girl about 14 years old. She was an excellent student and leader and had a strong fear of failure. Her thoughts going into the board break was that it would hurt and cause pain, her focus was on failing - did she break the board? Eventually yes. Only after I changed her attitude to how she wasn't failing when it didn't break, she was just learning how not to do it. Once there was a shift in attitude and focus there was a huge change in results

If our self-talk gives us hope and is positive, we will have very different lives than if we await trouble and think that bad things are always going to happen. You may have heard of the saying "What you see is what you get." Well it's your attitude that determines what you see, so why not look on the bright side. In the long run the choice is yours. My thought for today is just to have a go at seeing life through the eyes of an optimist and just observe what direction your life takes.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Getting started

While over the last few months I have been involved in getting my photography business SUCCESS EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY a higher profile in our city, I have also been living a fairly unbalanced life. Not looking after myself and not taking the opportunity to grow. I was reminded of the fact that what is not growing is dying.

As I enjoy putting my thoughts into words and hope that they can inspire others along with the images I create. Reading back through past posts I realised that I hadn't taken any further action to making my dream of becoming a published author a reality. So I am committing that my next 365 posts (one each day for the next year) will then become the book that I will get published by 5 February 2011.

This is the first one and I am publicly taking that first step in faith having no idea how it will eventuate. I am just going to trust that the universe will provide the way to get it done. So in advance I am going to thank the people who have made it possible for this project to even be contemplated.

Firstly. my darling husband Steve who is my biggest and best supporter; Nick and Jess who inspire me to become the best role model that I can be; Bob and Di Allwright for their examples of excellence; Lea Davis for giving a slipper-covered kick up the rear when I really need it; Kurek Ashley for reminding me to get out of my comfort zone and just do it; and finally Donna and Sue for just being them and there when I need them.

So the thought of today is to look at those dreams, put a deadline on them and just take the first step to get them started, even if you can't see all of the details. Oh and have the faith that it will all turn out as it should and the gratitute that you have the chance and the opportunity to grow from the experience.
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20 questions

20 Questions

1. If you had to could you take a vow of silence for 48 hours?
It would be blissful

2. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Fresh pumpkin

3. How often do you cut your hair?
When my fringe reaches the end of my nose

4. If you had to could you do your own income taxes? And have them be correct?
Nope. Wouldn't even try

5. What is your method to reading a magazine?
Usually front to back

6. How many magazines do you subscribe to?

7. What is/was your paternal grandfather's name?

8. And your maternal grandfather's name?

9. I know I'm tired when:
My blinks start to get longer

10. What color(s) do you associate with Spring?
light blue. pink. yellow. the typical pastels.

11. What color are your eyes? Did you inherit them from or pass them on to anyone in your family?
Dark brown from my dad, however both my children have green/blue gorgeous eyes

12. What do you have in your glove compartment?
CD's car service book, pack of panadol

13. Who are you in 6 words?
creative, caring, loved, passionate, stubborn, balanced

14. What is your favorite current tv drama?
Packed to the Rafters

15. Who do you think is NOT funny, but others think IS funny?
South Park or The Simpsons.

16. Three things you've been meaning to do, but haven't gotten around to yet:
Buy a bike, taxes, ironing

17. What is your noodle of choice?

18. What commercial are you so sick of?
Try not to watch them

19. If you gave birth today to octuplets (OMG!) and had sole naming rights, what would you name them? You can assume four of each sex, or make your own mix-up.
Emma, Sarah, Charlotte, Elle

Robert, Joshua, James, Alex

20. Is there something hanging over your head that you need to do right now?
Sort and process a few hundred photos

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