Tuesday, August 25, 2009

20 questions

20 Questions

1. If you had to could you take a vow of silence for 48 hours?
It would be blissful

2. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Fresh pumpkin

3. How often do you cut your hair?
When my fringe reaches the end of my nose

4. If you had to could you do your own income taxes? And have them be correct?
Nope. Wouldn't even try

5. What is your method to reading a magazine?
Usually front to back

6. How many magazines do you subscribe to?

7. What is/was your paternal grandfather's name?

8. And your maternal grandfather's name?

9. I know I'm tired when:
My blinks start to get longer

10. What color(s) do you associate with Spring?
light blue. pink. yellow. the typical pastels.

11. What color are your eyes? Did you inherit them from or pass them on to anyone in your family?
Dark brown from my dad, however both my children have green/blue gorgeous eyes

12. What do you have in your glove compartment?
CD's car service book, pack of panadol

13. Who are you in 6 words?
creative, caring, loved, passionate, stubborn, balanced

14. What is your favorite current tv drama?
Packed to the Rafters

15. Who do you think is NOT funny, but others think IS funny?
South Park or The Simpsons.

16. Three things you've been meaning to do, but haven't gotten around to yet:
Buy a bike, taxes, ironing

17. What is your noodle of choice?

18. What commercial are you so sick of?
Try not to watch them

19. If you gave birth today to octuplets (OMG!) and had sole naming rights, what would you name them? You can assume four of each sex, or make your own mix-up.
Emma, Sarah, Charlotte, Elle

Robert, Joshua, James, Alex

20. Is there something hanging over your head that you need to do right now?
Sort and process a few hundred photos

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