Wednesday, May 5, 2010


When nothing is sure, everything is possible.
Margaret Drabble

When this quote showed up in my in box, I was reminded of a good friend of mine who is a constant source of inspiration, challenge and love. I would like to share with you his story. Last year he went from having it all to losing the lot. By the lot, I mean what most people would consider everything - his home, his marriage,, his financial security, his business.

How would at the age of 30, or 40, or 50 or even later in life react if all you had in terms of material assets was $100 and a bag of clothes that you could carry on you back? Would you be feeling some stress? Would you be asking "why me?" Would you even possibly be considering ending it all because you could see no way back up? or maybe you would play the victim card and blame everything and everyone else.

Let me share what this amazing man thought....

He considered this an opportunity to start again with a clean slate and become who he really was meant to become. Because he knew without a shadow of doubt that although he had lost all his material possessions, nobody could take away the lessons and knowledge that he had gained along the way. He knew that he had the skills to make it to the top once, so the next time would be so much easier.

In one conversation, he admitted that now that he had "nothing" there were people that he considered to be friends that were not returning phone calls and apparently didn't want to know him anymore. This he said, was a chance to find out who his true friends really are.

What many would see as a problem, he sees as a challenge. It's all about how you perceive the events that come your way. I have learned that it is when you think you have nothing, it is when you can really find what is meaningful in your life and be grateful for it. I am not mentioning any names because I feel that it is not my right to do so, however I know he knows that I am talking about him. What I'm not sure about is if he knows what a source of inspiration he is not only to me but to everyone that is gifted by his true presence. Someone, that I will always be honored to call a friend.

So I ask that you consider when you feel that life has thrown you a curve ball and knocked the wind out of you - how can you use this opportunity to inspire others? And where will you decide to take your life on its next leg of the journey?

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1 comment:

  1. It's like our dear friend and mentor Tony Robbins always says... life is about the meanings you give to things so is this event the end or the beginning? And meanings shape our destiny!!

    As my own life is currently having its fair share of twists and turns, I appreciate you sharing this inspirational story to give us all encouragement

