If you have ever been in this crazy cycle of sadness and anger, by reassured that there are ways to snap yourself out of the funk.
These three simple ideas were shared with me, by one of my mentors, Mr Bob Allwright. Bob is one of Asia Pacific's leading personal development speakers and author of an awesome little book called Brilliant Attitude. And I am very grateful to be able to call him a friend as well.
The first thing to do, is to do something that serves someone else. In the words of Abraham Lincoln "To ease another's heartache i to forget your own." Meaning that when you are focused on helping others, all of your 'problems' melt away. So what can you do, that benefits another person? It could be going into a school to help kids read, or a homeless shelter, an aged care facility a charity or a hospital. Or closer to home, a young single mum, a elderly neighbour or even a member of your own family. There are so many people out there crying out for assistance and attention, you just have to be open to giving them an opportunity and your your gift of presence.
If that seems like too big a challenge, then there is a second way out of this crazy cycle. And that is to do something that truly serves yourself. Think of something that you really, really, really love to do. Now go and do it. For me it is photography, for you it might be cooking, running, dancing, sitting on the beach or playing a sport. Please note that sitting in front of a television set with a large block of chocolate rarely can be justified as being of true service to yourself as much as we might like to think it is. Because when you lose yourself in something that you are passionate about, there is no room for sadness or anger, just the magic of the moment.
If you are still stuck, thankfully there is a third and really simple way out of the cycle. Something that everyone over the age of three can do, and that is to SKIP!!! Yes you read that correctly... go for a SKIP. It might be around the block, through the park, across the backyard or just up the hallway. But if you take the example of any 4 or 5 year old skipper and use your whole body, huge steps and giant arm swings while you skip, you will find it next to impossible to be either miserable or peeved at anything.
So there you have it.... three simple, readily available ways to snap out of your funk and get on with things in a more positive frame of mind. The third one while seeming to be really silly will prove to yourself that your inner child still has the ability to come out and play, that you still have a sense of humour and can laugh at yourself and when you can know this, there is still hope and with hope comes a belief that things can and will improve.

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