Friday, March 20, 2009

New Pictures

Some of my favourite photos from the last month or so.

I got a new lens (a Tamron AF 28-300) and a new Speedlite flash unit so have been playing a bit more with different lighting effects. Would like to find the time to do some night city shots near the river. Actually would like to find the time to do something for myself rather than trying to fulfill everyone else's needs and expectations. Guess that is one of the joys of motherhood. I would like to say that I am extremely grateful for my two children, and realistically I do love them with my heart and soul. I do not like how they can not seem to be in the same room together without some drama happening, someone getting hurt or someone screaming - it is very tiresome. Also would prefer if they could respect the needs of others in the family and stop only thinking of themselves - might make life more peaceful. I have tried to teach them these values, and they manage to get it at school and with others - just not each other!! Can only hope that one day they will grow up to be friends, or they have their own children who can terrorise them (payback can be such a bitch).

Looking forward to the next few weeks. I am going back to the town I grew up in from my BFF parent's 40th wedding anniversary. Have mixed feelings about going back. Very excited about catching up with old friends and loved ones. Not so sure about having bad memories rekindled - there was a time I couldn't wait to escape from the place. Thankfully I can be grateful for the good times I experienced as well as the lessons I learnt at other times that I have been able to share with others and that Have shaped me into who I am today.

Also catching up with family over Easter. Steve has a few weeks off so will be in for some R&R. Then I am off down the coast for a personal development seminar and leadership where I can catch with some beautiful friends who bring out the best in me and will push me to the next level.
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1 comment:

  1. Hey my sweet, all the memories you have of my family are good ones, they love you like you are one of us! You had friends that loved you too. Any other memories should be laid to rest with your Mum. Remember she only acted the way she did because she was lonely & she knew once you had wings you would go, she just went about things the wrong way, I have forgiven her, you need to as well, and remember you got your Dad back in the end too. Love you, see you soon. xoxo
