Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Old Friends

Tomorrow I am going away for a few days with my daughter, and will be catching up with one of my dearest friends. We first met in Year 3 in primary school and supported each other and celebrated numerous adventures growing up. First loves to first children, Donna has been in my life through it all. Her family treated me like one of their own in times when I truly needed acceptance, love and friends. Something I have always treasured and will be eternally grateful for. It is hard to believe that 30 years has passed. I am very excited about having a few days to catch up, remember good times and create new memories. We now live in different states and time together the last little while has been preciously few. I know however that regardless of how often or rarely we see each other, I am still part of her life and we will be friends no matter what. I love her for her lack of judgment and total acceptance and support of all that I do - even if others think I'm being rash and foolish, plus there is no "I told you so's" I know that I can be myself with no pretense - I can't get away with anything less as she knows me too well. Now our own daughters get a chance to become friends and considering how alike they are, even though they have never yet met, this next few days could be the start of a lifetime friendship for them. While we have grown up, and gone in separate directions with our lives, our hearts are still joined. I could only wish that everyone experience this type of true friendship at least once in their lives, as it is absolutely something to cherish. There have been times when we go too long without chatting, sometimes because life gets too routine, other times because there is stuff going on for which the telephone or internet is not sufficient. Would be nice to plan for regular get togethers. We will both be 40 before we know it and I would like to plan for a girls weekend (or week away) somewhere special, or maybe a family weekend and the rest of the time for friends. Something to look back on with fondness when we are sharing a verandah and rocking chairs.

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