Monday, April 27, 2009

WOW!! What a Week

Last week I had the utmost privilege of being invited for the first to be a Senior Leader at Tony Robbins' Date with Destiny seminar. It was an awesome experience that I will never forget. I have done the program as a participant and got a lot out of it. As a leader it was a whole different experience as I focused on others rather than myself. We had nearly 70 people in our Team, and seeing them transform their lives, to be part of their metamorphose from individuals who were looking for direction, hope or that missing something to beautiful shining stars who had found their true selves that had been hiding behind masks or suffering under a heap of pain. To be in the presence of that much trust and love is something really special and I was able to learn so much about that myself.

I made a number of distinctions and decisions during the week including:

* When you put your judgment aside and look instead at a situation with love, the answers just arrive with so much clarity.

* When you have belief in yourself, the star qualities that others can see are able to really shine.

*You only grow when you step out of your comfort zone

* There comes a time when I have to stop trying to learn everything before I start using it.

* That everything I need is within ME now

* To accept a compliment allows someone else to give the gift of appreciation and should not be belittled.

*When I am passionate about something, speaking to a group is easy and actually a pleasure to share

*When done with the right intent, you can correct someone to help them grow. To minimise their faults will not allow them to grow

* If you don't like an aspect of your life, don't blame anyone (including yourself) just take responsibility for it and make moves to change it.

* Forgiveness is a gift that is liberating and makes you free

* Sometimes you have to challenge others to get them to step up and be their best

* It is an act of selfishness not to share your gifts with the world
WOW!! What a WeekSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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