Thursday, April 30, 2009

Flowers and a Book

I am so grateful for the amazing family and friends that I have been blessed with.

Firstly, Steve, my husband, my love bug, my best friend and soul mate. This morning I woke feeling bloated, crampy and generally blah. So after taking the kids to school, he makes he breakfast and tells me to go back to bed. A few hours later, I get a knock on the door - he has sent me some gorgeous flowers and a note making me feel extra special.

That event in itself is enough to make my day. Yet the passage from the book I was reading at the time was talking about flowers. (One of those Synchrodestiny moments!!)

It goes like this:
We are all Flowers. What makes life so interesting is our variety. Think about your favorite flower and why it is your favorite. When you have finished listing its qualities, you will find you are talking about yourself.
I believe it is through nature that we come to see our beauty and finer qualities. Spending time in nature also helps us to find the answers to some of life's difficulties.
Once when I was wondering how to continue helping people without traveling, since I was tired of leaving home, I asked nature what to do. A flower showed me the answer. It told me, "I do not leave the place of my origin. I spread my seeds and let others help by carrying them to distant places."
So through this book, my words, an email, or a lecture, I am planting seeds of healing. Now I assign you to become like your favorite flower and spread your seeds of hope, faith and love.
(365 Prescriptions for the Soul, Dr Bernie S Siegel, p79)

I was then checking through my emails and had received one from a very dear and respected friend. I have created another blog (Leadership, Love and Life) with the intent on getting a positive and inspirational message out there to those that are looking for it and could use some positive messages in their lives. Anyway I asked some friends for feedback, knowing that they would give it to me straight.

Bottom line is that Lea, the friend I first heard back from asked me why is it only available on the net. Why haven't I shared my obvious talents and gifts with the world? She was actually a tad blunter than that but that was the gist of the note!! (Thanks Lea :) Love You!!)

So I decided that I am going to use the images I love taking, the quotes I have collected and add some of the wisdom I have gleamed through attending seminars, reading books and living my life and compile it into a book.

The thought of doing it both scares and excites me. I know that I will have to take a huge leap out of my comfort zone to achieve this, though the growth that I will gain will be more than worth it.
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