Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Secret of Living is Giving

There was an appeal on Triple M Radio this morning to help a 15 year old boy who had fallen off his bike and suffered brain damage. Yes he had a helmet on and still he was injured. In a way it is a tragic story. He was young, fit, adventurous and healthy one moment last October, the next his parents were getting ready to say goodbye. He is still in hospital having treatment and rehab while his parents attempt to prepare an environment to bring him back to the family home. Added to this his mum is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

Yet there are so many positives in this as well. One being the community spirit shown this morning, as almost $50,000 was raised in under 6 hours. Though it is not only the offerings of cash in these troubled economic times that the family will remember, it's that strangers were willing to help.

As a parent who has been blessed with two healthy children, I felt that I had to do the right thing and offer assistance. We all hope and pray that we never have to get a phone call like these parents did and rush to the nearest hospital but we never know. At the moment there is not much spare cash in our place, so I was thinking how else I could help.

One thought that kept recurring was to use my skills as a photographer to help record Billy's story. I hope that his family take up my offer as I think that while it would be worthwhile for them to have a record of this time, it would also be an inspiration to others. The more I think about it, the more I would like to offer this service to others in need. I do not want to get monetary gain, but the rewards of collating these stories and getting these kids involved in groups that can inspire the world in some way, to give some meaning to their crises and hardships.

I would like to put this thought out to the universe and see where it takes me. My intent is that it will help inspire others.
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