Sunday, February 15, 2009

One Step

Last week I mentioned that one of my goals was to get to a healthy weight. I took the first step in making the decision that enough is enough - I've had it with not having enough energy to do what I love doing, and having clothes that don't fit comfortably. Then I took another step in actually getting off my bum and going to the gym. Our family diet will also be getting an overhaul - though the kids can still get school treats - I will just have to increase my will (Or won't) power and just leave them in the cupboard. I've got an appointment with a personal trainer next week to help my on this journey and to help me work out the be way to go about it.

As of this morning I weigh 78kg with a 39% body fat. During the next 12 weeks I aim to have that to 60kg and 29%. That's only 1.5kg a week - not hard when you break it down really (I hope)

Guess the hardest step is already over and now I work on building the momentum to take my over the line.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Achieving Goals

I was moving some stuff around - in the pretense of cleaning up!! and came across a workbook from when I was a participant at Date with Destiny in 2005. One of the exercises we had to complete was writing a list of dreams that we wanted to achieve. I had that list written in my journal but have not looked at it for sometime. As I read through it, I realised that I have achieved about half of the things on the list. It was then that I was hit by the power of not only having dreams and goals but also in sharing them.

Since 2005 I have achieved all of the following:

1. Getting my teachers degree
2. Working with challenged children
3. Develop my skills in photography and art
4. Starting my own photography business
5. Having a flying lesson
6. Becoming a mentor for teenagers
7. Mediate regularly
8. Let go of baggage from the past
9. Have an annual holiday with family
10. Speak publicly about goals and dreams
11. Become a senior leader for Tony Robbins
12 Take a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon

There were others, that I no longer have any desire to achieve as I have grown as a person and my priorities have changed. But it was the act of pursuing these goals that I have learnt lessons, gained insights and become a better person. Then some are still on the list and I plan to tick them over in the near future.

However, I am committed to sharing a revised list for 2009

1. I will sell at least two artworks per month
2. I will be working as a paid photographer, having at least three appointments per month
3. I will sell artwork in at least 6 different countries
4. Assist in organisation and running of at least 3 Youth Camps
5. Swim with dolphins with family
6. Earn $500 a month from logo design work
7. Attend functions at childrens' schools when scheduled
8. Hug my husband and children at least everyday and tell them I love them
9. Spend at least a week with both extended families
10 Go to the gym at least 3 times per week
11 Fit comfortably into size 10 jeans

Now I need to work on the why and the how - that's a task to share with my journal as my thoughts flow easier when I'm writing as opposed to typing.

Also just want to share an artwork that I would like to dedicate to my best friend, Donna. She will understand why. I just ask that she stop being her own worst critic (a bad habit for many women) and find some love and acceptance in all the beauty that makes her, her - a special, unique, loving and caring individual. This image and others like it can be found at my website
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Monday, February 9, 2009

The Angel Inside

Just finished reading the book "The Angel Inside" by Chris Widener - a short little fable full of some great lessons in life. It uses Michelangelo's David to inspire us to take our lives to the next level. To encourage and challenge us to create a life of power and beauty.

One of the quotes in the book really resonated with me. It is:

There comes a time in every person's life when they must decide whether they will follow what they want for their life or what someone else wants for their life.

I spent years at high school and then at university chasing someone else's dreams, putting aside my own in the hope of love, acceptance and recognition. While I excelled and have some fantastic friends and memories from these times, I know now with the benefit of hindsight, that my heart was not engaged. When I did finally pursue my dreams for my sake, life soared. I can only hope that I have shown my own children that you need to follow your heart, so that happiness in all its glory can be theirs. Yet, I am unsure of whether I had to still follow that path to arrive at where I am today. If I had gone to art school instead of university will I have met the love of my life, would I have two gorgeous children.

This brings me to another part of the book. Michelangelo is talking about the process of creating the sculpture David, one of the greatest works of art ever created, one that I hope to see in reality one day not just in pictures. Michelangelo states that sculpting has 4 stages - chipping, sculpting, sanding and polishing - all are necessary to take some from the raw material to the finished work of art. He then adds

We must go through the same progression: Chip away what doesn't belong, sculpt our lives and give them form through the people we associate with and the information we take in, allow the rough spots of our lives to be sanded away through adversity and suffering, and then and only then, are we ready to be polished and let our power and beauty show in all of it's glory.

Do we have to go through the mistakes, the pain in order to grow into the best that we can? Do we need to be sanded by adversity, by trials and suffering to give meaning to our lives? How many of us what to be able to shine, to let the world see how beautiful we are without putting the work in to really own the moment? What lessons can we get from the negative circumstances that do occur in our lives?

Finally, one last quote that I want to find an image for:

Live your life with Excellence. Become a person that others will be proud to know. Do the best you can at your work. And everything that is destined to pass will indeed come to pass.

Keep an eye out for a new series of inspirational prints at my website to check if I have found the perfect image, or send me some feedback of what you think could go with this amazing quote.
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Friday, February 6, 2009

New Addition, New Adventures and a birthday

Very exciting day! My baby brother, Benjamin and his partner Renee celebrated the birth of their first child - a little boy who is yet to be named - all are well. Nick is happy to have another boy in the family, Jess is happy to have another baby to spoil and mother, and my Dad is thrilled to add yet another grandchild (number 6) to his family tree. Will get photos ASAP.

Also had a meeting with Sharon, the director of the Magic Moments Foundation and dear friend. We are organising a camp, well now it is actually two camps for teenagers. One for April on the Gold Coast with Scott Harris as facilitator and the other in a place yet to be finalised in October. Sharon asked me if I would consider being a counsellor at both of these - something I consider an honor and a privilege. Helping teenagers get out of negative situations and give them the skills to reach their potential is a passion in my life. Also as Sharon is starting a speaking and coaching business, she requires a business card and website, so I offered to assist. I am slowly getting better at putting my skills up for offer instead of hiding my talents and it is beginning to pay off.

Another thing that was quite exciting was reconnecting with some old school friends through Facebook. Most who I haven't spoken to since High School. Nice to see that they are doing good.

The other highlight was Jess' birthday. Hard to believe that she is 9 already. It seems like just yesterday that she was born. I now understnd what my grandmother meant when she told us to stop growing up so quick. The years are just flying by. We are having a party for her tomorrow. A dozen nine and ten year olds going ten pin bowling - has to be better than having them all at home. Then a sleepover with her BF. Not sure why it is called a sleepover - when the last thing that happens is sleep - more like a giggle fest!! I can remember when I was nine and was having sleepovers at my BFs house - reading by torchlight and chatting until all hours then getting busting for giggling (Hi Mum2 - Sorry for keeping you up!! LOL) Guess you can laugh at me now.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A to Z of Relationships

One of my gorgeous friends, Chuck Schultz, an amazing life coach from Chicago had this article on his website His partner Mark Papadas write it and I would like to share it more importantly remember it and use it.

A to Z of a Great Relationship
By Mark Papadas

You must truly care about the other person, not lust. While physical attraction is important, lust alone will not last the distance.
Be yourself and also Be the best you, you can be. Ask yourself what you can do to become the best husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, friend. When you have the answer and follow through, you will be amazed at the results.
Don’t try to change the other person. The only person you can change is you. We all change through our lives but if you think you can change someone into something else, the relationship is over.
Every relationship has its ups and downs. You are going to disagree. Adverse events will happen. Stick with it. If you are dedicated to it the relationship will last.
As with everything you only get out of your relationship what you put into it, so go after your passion with the energy it deserves.
Focus on your partner's needs and he or she will return the favor. The more you fulfill your partners' needs the more yours will be satisfied.
Arrange regular date nights, just the two of you. It can be spontaneous or preplanned but get out of your routine and spend time together
Without this a relationship is really in trouble. Have a policy that if you don't what to know the truth don't ask the question. Always tell the truth, even if it may hurt.
A relationship is made up of two individuals, 2 separate people. It is important to maintain your own individual identity.
Have a sense of humor. Laugh together. I love to make my wife laugh as her smile lights up the room and make everything better.
Show your affection everyday. Never stop kissing, hugging or holding hands. There is nothing wrong with PDAs (public displays of affection)
Do I really have to explain this one?
Usually the number one argument between couples. Talk openly about your finances, have a budget and follow your plans.
No-one likes a downer. Focus on the positives and what you each want - in the relationship, spiritually, materially and emotionally
You must be open to other points of view - you may not agree but you must acknowledge their right to their own opinion. Don't try to impose your beliefs on your partner.
Make sure that your partner is the number one person in your life. This is especially important if you have children, as your relationship is the focal point around which the rest of the family revolves.
Ask questions about the things that interest your partner. Let them teach you about their hobbies or pastimes.
Establish rules of engagement for disagreements. Focus on solutions rather than looking for someone to blame.
Go for it. If it is legal and consensual, do it whichever way that you both enjoy. Be open and honest about what you enjoy and why. If you don't tell your partner about what works for you, don't be surprised when you don't get it.
There is no middle ground on this one, you either have it or you don't. Hint:- If you think you have to test their trustworthiness, you don't trust them.
A figurative umbrella that goes back to honesty. If you are 100% honest about your past, present and future then you are covered by your umbrella - if a thunderstorm from your past tries to rain on your relationship - you're safe because of this umbrella of honesty and trust.
In any great relationship, every decision needs two yeses but only one no. Each person has veto power.
A great relationship is bigger than its individual parts. While each person maintains their individuality and identity, the couple (or team) has it's own special, dynamic characteristics.
OK this one is a stretch but by X-Ray I mean is for the relationship to be transparent. Don't hide anything and let your partner see the real you.
Avoid emotional ups and downs by practicing the skills that Chuck and I can teach you.
It's not OK for one little indiscretion or mistake. The truth it is only takes once to break a lifetime of trust.
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Time and Worry

Today a friend sent me this quote - as quite a few of my friends do as they know I collect them. This one hit a particular nerve as lately the stress in our house has increased in the last few months due to financial matters have been stretched to near breaking point - as I'm sure many others can relate to. Anyway it goes like this:

Worry and time have an inverse relationship. The more you have of one, the less you have of the other. Yet curiously, Bronwen, both are suspended when you live in the now.

The more we worry the slower time creeps by. Yet when we are in the moment time disappears completely. Or we could remember a time of child-like innocence where we had no worries and also no concept of time. I ask the question "when
does time disappear for me?

I was able to find a few examples. The one that is most special is when I'm making mad, passionate love to my gorgeous husband - but that is just between us and gives you the idea of what I'm trying to convey.

Another, that I'm blessed with is when I'm behind a camera. Don't get me wrong, these experiences are special for completely different reasons. But I realised that I truly am lucky enough to get paid for something I have done and would do for nothing - that is record events and help people maintain their memories. Tho
ugh as my camera usually goes with me, I also get to capture images that I find inspirational. I use these to create artworks that I hope that others may also enjoy. I have sometimes gotten so wrapped up in the light and colours that I see through a lens that the rest of the world just falls away - the bills, the kids fighting, the pile of ironing that needs to be done - and time has no meaning. I truly hope that you are able to find your thing taht you can lose yourself in, because I have discovered that is when you can find yourself.

That sounds really deep and meaningful - I didn't start out that way. I am grateful for being given the gift to create and just want to share it with others. Yet even if no one every looked at my work, I would still feel compelled to create. I don't want praise or accolades, though they are nice if they happen, it's the process that I adore. I just need to remember that stress is my enemy of the creative process.

Note to self - worrying about not feeling creative will only make it worse, just jump in and start and the process will take over!
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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Inspirational quotes

In my work as a digital artist, I collect inspirational quotes and then find or create an image to bring the quote to life. Some of my favourite quotes that I have over my desk at the moment are:

If you can dream it, you can do it - Walt Disney

What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly - Lao Tsu

The Secret of Living is Giving - Tony Robbins

Genius is there in all of us ... just waiting for us to tap into it - Anon

You will never know all the good that a simple smile can do - Mother Teresa

Every great man never sought to be great. He just followed the vision he had and did what had to be done - Charlie "Tremendous" Jones

If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it - Jonathon Winters

If you are interested the images that go with these quotes are at my website Have a look and let me know what you think. Here is a sneak peek - this one is actually of my daughter
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