Friday, February 6, 2009

New Addition, New Adventures and a birthday

Very exciting day! My baby brother, Benjamin and his partner Renee celebrated the birth of their first child - a little boy who is yet to be named - all are well. Nick is happy to have another boy in the family, Jess is happy to have another baby to spoil and mother, and my Dad is thrilled to add yet another grandchild (number 6) to his family tree. Will get photos ASAP.

Also had a meeting with Sharon, the director of the Magic Moments Foundation and dear friend. We are organising a camp, well now it is actually two camps for teenagers. One for April on the Gold Coast with Scott Harris as facilitator and the other in a place yet to be finalised in October. Sharon asked me if I would consider being a counsellor at both of these - something I consider an honor and a privilege. Helping teenagers get out of negative situations and give them the skills to reach their potential is a passion in my life. Also as Sharon is starting a speaking and coaching business, she requires a business card and website, so I offered to assist. I am slowly getting better at putting my skills up for offer instead of hiding my talents and it is beginning to pay off.

Another thing that was quite exciting was reconnecting with some old school friends through Facebook. Most who I haven't spoken to since High School. Nice to see that they are doing good.

The other highlight was Jess' birthday. Hard to believe that she is 9 already. It seems like just yesterday that she was born. I now understnd what my grandmother meant when she told us to stop growing up so quick. The years are just flying by. We are having a party for her tomorrow. A dozen nine and ten year olds going ten pin bowling - has to be better than having them all at home. Then a sleepover with her BF. Not sure why it is called a sleepover - when the last thing that happens is sleep - more like a giggle fest!! I can remember when I was nine and was having sleepovers at my BFs house - reading by torchlight and chatting until all hours then getting busting for giggling (Hi Mum2 - Sorry for keeping you up!! LOL) Guess you can laugh at me now.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh those were the days!!!!! Now her grandkids have Mobile phones, so imagine her dilemma!!!! I remember those sweet Valley High Books at your place till all hours, lol!!! xoxoxoxoxo
