Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A to Z of Relationships

One of my gorgeous friends, Chuck Schultz, an amazing life coach from Chicago had this article on his website His partner Mark Papadas write it and I would like to share it more importantly remember it and use it.

A to Z of a Great Relationship
By Mark Papadas

You must truly care about the other person, not lust. While physical attraction is important, lust alone will not last the distance.
Be yourself and also Be the best you, you can be. Ask yourself what you can do to become the best husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, friend. When you have the answer and follow through, you will be amazed at the results.
Don’t try to change the other person. The only person you can change is you. We all change through our lives but if you think you can change someone into something else, the relationship is over.
Every relationship has its ups and downs. You are going to disagree. Adverse events will happen. Stick with it. If you are dedicated to it the relationship will last.
As with everything you only get out of your relationship what you put into it, so go after your passion with the energy it deserves.
Focus on your partner's needs and he or she will return the favor. The more you fulfill your partners' needs the more yours will be satisfied.
Arrange regular date nights, just the two of you. It can be spontaneous or preplanned but get out of your routine and spend time together
Without this a relationship is really in trouble. Have a policy that if you don't what to know the truth don't ask the question. Always tell the truth, even if it may hurt.
A relationship is made up of two individuals, 2 separate people. It is important to maintain your own individual identity.
Have a sense of humor. Laugh together. I love to make my wife laugh as her smile lights up the room and make everything better.
Show your affection everyday. Never stop kissing, hugging or holding hands. There is nothing wrong with PDAs (public displays of affection)
Do I really have to explain this one?
Usually the number one argument between couples. Talk openly about your finances, have a budget and follow your plans.
No-one likes a downer. Focus on the positives and what you each want - in the relationship, spiritually, materially and emotionally
You must be open to other points of view - you may not agree but you must acknowledge their right to their own opinion. Don't try to impose your beliefs on your partner.
Make sure that your partner is the number one person in your life. This is especially important if you have children, as your relationship is the focal point around which the rest of the family revolves.
Ask questions about the things that interest your partner. Let them teach you about their hobbies or pastimes.
Establish rules of engagement for disagreements. Focus on solutions rather than looking for someone to blame.
Go for it. If it is legal and consensual, do it whichever way that you both enjoy. Be open and honest about what you enjoy and why. If you don't tell your partner about what works for you, don't be surprised when you don't get it.
There is no middle ground on this one, you either have it or you don't. Hint:- If you think you have to test their trustworthiness, you don't trust them.
A figurative umbrella that goes back to honesty. If you are 100% honest about your past, present and future then you are covered by your umbrella - if a thunderstorm from your past tries to rain on your relationship - you're safe because of this umbrella of honesty and trust.
In any great relationship, every decision needs two yeses but only one no. Each person has veto power.
A great relationship is bigger than its individual parts. While each person maintains their individuality and identity, the couple (or team) has it's own special, dynamic characteristics.
OK this one is a stretch but by X-Ray I mean is for the relationship to be transparent. Don't hide anything and let your partner see the real you.
Avoid emotional ups and downs by practicing the skills that Chuck and I can teach you.
It's not OK for one little indiscretion or mistake. The truth it is only takes once to break a lifetime of trust.
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