Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What's Your Attitude

Studies have proven beyond all doubt that optimists live longer, healthier lives than pessimists, even when the pessimist's view of life is more accurate. There are umpteen quotes talking about our our attitudes effects our lives. There are a gazillion books on the subject, two of my personal favourites are Brilliant Attitude by Bob Allwright and Attitude, Aptitude, Altitude by Robyn Simpson.

Yet what is an attitude? The dictionary defines it as "mental view, opinion, posture, pose, disposition, behavior." So is it mental - our thoughts and ideas, is it physical - our actions and physiology or spiritual - our values and beliefs? Well yes, it is all these things tied up in one relatively little word. And it effects our whole lives.

Our attitudes are more important than facts. That is why what we tell ourselves is extremely important and in the long run will shape your destiny. Think back to your time in school. What was your attitude? Did you think that it was worthwhile or a waste of time? How did you behave at school? Where your days filled with laughter or loathing? Did you enjoy learning and growing or often feel like a failure?

Now ask yourself how has that shaped who I am today? We can not go back and change the facts of the past. We can however change our attitude towards the events of both the past and the present, which will then in turn change our future.

I have had the privilege of seeing the power of the mind at work when success coaches have done board breaking exercises with clients, some as young as 7 and 8 years old. This involves just what it sounds like - you get a piece of pine board about 2cm thick and break it with your bare hand. One time stands out in my mind when I was working with a young girl about 14 years old. She was an excellent student and leader and had a strong fear of failure. Her thoughts going into the board break was that it would hurt and cause pain, her focus was on failing - did she break the board? Eventually yes. Only after I changed her attitude to how she wasn't failing when it didn't break, she was just learning how not to do it. Once there was a shift in attitude and focus there was a huge change in results

If our self-talk gives us hope and is positive, we will have very different lives than if we await trouble and think that bad things are always going to happen. You may have heard of the saying "What you see is what you get." Well it's your attitude that determines what you see, so why not look on the bright side. In the long run the choice is yours. My thought for today is just to have a go at seeing life through the eyes of an optimist and just observe what direction your life takes.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Getting started

While over the last few months I have been involved in getting my photography business SUCCESS EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY a higher profile in our city, I have also been living a fairly unbalanced life. Not looking after myself and not taking the opportunity to grow. I was reminded of the fact that what is not growing is dying.

As I enjoy putting my thoughts into words and hope that they can inspire others along with the images I create. Reading back through past posts I realised that I hadn't taken any further action to making my dream of becoming a published author a reality. So I am committing that my next 365 posts (one each day for the next year) will then become the book that I will get published by 5 February 2011.

This is the first one and I am publicly taking that first step in faith having no idea how it will eventuate. I am just going to trust that the universe will provide the way to get it done. So in advance I am going to thank the people who have made it possible for this project to even be contemplated.

Firstly. my darling husband Steve who is my biggest and best supporter; Nick and Jess who inspire me to become the best role model that I can be; Bob and Di Allwright for their examples of excellence; Lea Davis for giving a slipper-covered kick up the rear when I really need it; Kurek Ashley for reminding me to get out of my comfort zone and just do it; and finally Donna and Sue for just being them and there when I need them.

So the thought of today is to look at those dreams, put a deadline on them and just take the first step to get them started, even if you can't see all of the details. Oh and have the faith that it will all turn out as it should and the gratitute that you have the chance and the opportunity to grow from the experience.
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20 questions

20 Questions

1. If you had to could you take a vow of silence for 48 hours?
It would be blissful

2. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Fresh pumpkin

3. How often do you cut your hair?
When my fringe reaches the end of my nose

4. If you had to could you do your own income taxes? And have them be correct?
Nope. Wouldn't even try

5. What is your method to reading a magazine?
Usually front to back

6. How many magazines do you subscribe to?

7. What is/was your paternal grandfather's name?

8. And your maternal grandfather's name?

9. I know I'm tired when:
My blinks start to get longer

10. What color(s) do you associate with Spring?
light blue. pink. yellow. the typical pastels.

11. What color are your eyes? Did you inherit them from or pass them on to anyone in your family?
Dark brown from my dad, however both my children have green/blue gorgeous eyes

12. What do you have in your glove compartment?
CD's car service book, pack of panadol

13. Who are you in 6 words?
creative, caring, loved, passionate, stubborn, balanced

14. What is your favorite current tv drama?
Packed to the Rafters

15. Who do you think is NOT funny, but others think IS funny?
South Park or The Simpsons.

16. Three things you've been meaning to do, but haven't gotten around to yet:
Buy a bike, taxes, ironing

17. What is your noodle of choice?

18. What commercial are you so sick of?
Try not to watch them

19. If you gave birth today to octuplets (OMG!) and had sole naming rights, what would you name them? You can assume four of each sex, or make your own mix-up.
Emma, Sarah, Charlotte, Elle

Robert, Joshua, James, Alex

20. Is there something hanging over your head that you need to do right now?
Sort and process a few hundred photos

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Troubles in the Sunset

Image by Art4Inspiratation

When the day ends and the sun sets, I let my troubles go - Albert Scheitzer

Just as I would encourage you to begin each fresh day as if you were the sun rising anew, I would also recommend that you release all your worries and troubles when the sun sets. Let them go with the sun, or you may find that you can not arise free of these burdens and begin the next new day.

When you hold onto your problems and stress throughout the night, you begin to lose any sense of order in your life. There is no longer any night or day, work and rest. Just time to be restless, to worry and fear about what lies ahead or to fret about the past.

I suggest that you take the time to watch a sun set and when you do, let your troubles drift off with the sun. Watch them burn up in the brilliant palette that mother nature provides. Allow the beauty to refresh you and remind you that there is more to life than just your troubles.

Try this and you may find that when you send your troubles off with the sunset, you can then make room for blessings to fill the next day.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Secret of Living is Giving

There was an appeal on Triple M Radio this morning to help a 15 year old boy who had fallen off his bike and suffered brain damage. Yes he had a helmet on and still he was injured. In a way it is a tragic story. He was young, fit, adventurous and healthy one moment last October, the next his parents were getting ready to say goodbye. He is still in hospital having treatment and rehab while his parents attempt to prepare an environment to bring him back to the family home. Added to this his mum is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

Yet there are so many positives in this as well. One being the community spirit shown this morning, as almost $50,000 was raised in under 6 hours. Though it is not only the offerings of cash in these troubled economic times that the family will remember, it's that strangers were willing to help.

As a parent who has been blessed with two healthy children, I felt that I had to do the right thing and offer assistance. We all hope and pray that we never have to get a phone call like these parents did and rush to the nearest hospital but we never know. At the moment there is not much spare cash in our place, so I was thinking how else I could help.

One thought that kept recurring was to use my skills as a photographer to help record Billy's story. I hope that his family take up my offer as I think that while it would be worthwhile for them to have a record of this time, it would also be an inspiration to others. The more I think about it, the more I would like to offer this service to others in need. I do not want to get monetary gain, but the rewards of collating these stories and getting these kids involved in groups that can inspire the world in some way, to give some meaning to their crises and hardships.

I would like to put this thought out to the universe and see where it takes me. My intent is that it will help inspire others.
The Secret of Living is GivingSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Monday, May 11, 2009


Why can't I be happy with my life? Why do I always feel there should be more? That there are things I'm missing out on?

I am loved and adored by the man I love. We have two beautiful, healthy, intelligent, independent children. We have a roof over our heads, food on the table. I have friends I can call on whenever I need them. I am on the brink of a career that doesn't seem like work because it's what I'm meant to be doing.

What is so wrong with me that I can't be satisfied with what I've got? What I've achieved? I'm grateful for all that I have. That's different from feeling happy and joyful. I miss the laughter, the spontaneity, the playfulness.

Why do I have this belief that motherhood is such a serious business? How can I change it so that it becomes a belief that marriage and motherhood is a game - something fun, playful, enjoyable, full of laughter and delight.

I know and appreciate that my life includes lots of love and affection. It just seems like such work and I get so frustrated because I feel that I've lost my own identity other than wife and mother. I'm not sure who "I" am anymore.
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mothers Day

The gift of life is a mother's greatest gift.
Appreciate, respect, and acknowledge this.

I found this poem by Dr Bernie Seigel that sums up Mother's Day beautifully.

What gift will you give your mother this Mother's Day?
Is a card clever enough?
Will jewels sparkle enough?
What words say enough?
There is perhaps one gift that is enough,
Your life . . .
Thank her for it
And live your life with the love she bestowed on you
Then share that love with all

As a daughter and now a mother, I can appreciate both sides of the coin. My own mum lost her fight to cancer a number of years ago, but on Mother's Day I still acknowledge with great thanks that she loved enough to give me life. Now my life is a reflection of that love. I see part of my job as a mother is to give my own children the confidence and love to allow them to go and live their own lives, the best that they can. When I see my children having the confidence to try new things, to give something their best shot or to hold their own standards high in the midst of peer pressure, I know that I am succeeding as a mother. But also when they make their own mistakes, to learn life's hard lessons, to suffer the angst of being a kid, I know that I am succeeding as a mother. In good times and bad, I know that I am succeeding as a mother because my children want to share these times with me, and for that I am eternally grateful.

So to all the mothers out there - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. The best gift that you can get from your children is love, that only comes when you first give it away.
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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Good Friends

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery,
by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.

Yesterday we had the pleasure of meeting up with good friends and sharing a simple picnic by the river. Our children made some new friends and shared a game of touch football and frisbee and there were no arguments at all - except when we had to leave to go home on dusk. The company was fabulous, we enjoyed making new happy memories and laughing over good times we had shared. There was no great expense and the rewards were huge.

It made me ask "What is a friend?"

To me it is someone who knows all your faults and still loves you regardless. A friend is someone who can see past the imperfections to the beauty that lies beneath. A friend is someone who is there for you even if you don't have the courage to ask for help. A friend is someone who can say no to you and still remain a friend.

A true friend will point out your imperfections - not to put you down or criticise, but to help you become better at what you are doing. A friend will always answer your calls, even when you are driving them nuts. A friend never talks about who is right, instead they listen to your feelings.

A friend will not judge without making the effort to understand, and can forgive, let go of the past and continue to love. Though probably the most important thing a friend never do, is abandon you, no matter what you do.

I am fortunate in this life to have the privilege of calling a large number of wonderful people "friend" though I think of them as the family I have choosen for myself as opposed to the one that I was blessed with at birth. I am grateful for the ones I am able to regularly spend time with, as well as the ones I rarely get to see plus all the ones I am yet to meet.

Our children enjoying the great outdoors -Sometimes the best things aren't things at all - laughing, spending time with precious friends and just being make the best memories

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Flowers and a Book

I am so grateful for the amazing family and friends that I have been blessed with.

Firstly, Steve, my husband, my love bug, my best friend and soul mate. This morning I woke feeling bloated, crampy and generally blah. So after taking the kids to school, he makes he breakfast and tells me to go back to bed. A few hours later, I get a knock on the door - he has sent me some gorgeous flowers and a note making me feel extra special.

That event in itself is enough to make my day. Yet the passage from the book I was reading at the time was talking about flowers. (One of those Synchrodestiny moments!!)

It goes like this:
We are all Flowers. What makes life so interesting is our variety. Think about your favorite flower and why it is your favorite. When you have finished listing its qualities, you will find you are talking about yourself.
I believe it is through nature that we come to see our beauty and finer qualities. Spending time in nature also helps us to find the answers to some of life's difficulties.
Once when I was wondering how to continue helping people without traveling, since I was tired of leaving home, I asked nature what to do. A flower showed me the answer. It told me, "I do not leave the place of my origin. I spread my seeds and let others help by carrying them to distant places."
So through this book, my words, an email, or a lecture, I am planting seeds of healing. Now I assign you to become like your favorite flower and spread your seeds of hope, faith and love.
(365 Prescriptions for the Soul, Dr Bernie S Siegel, p79)

I was then checking through my emails and had received one from a very dear and respected friend. I have created another blog (Leadership, Love and Life) with the intent on getting a positive and inspirational message out there to those that are looking for it and could use some positive messages in their lives. Anyway I asked some friends for feedback, knowing that they would give it to me straight.

Bottom line is that Lea, the friend I first heard back from asked me why is it only available on the net. Why haven't I shared my obvious talents and gifts with the world? She was actually a tad blunter than that but that was the gist of the note!! (Thanks Lea :) Love You!!)

So I decided that I am going to use the images I love taking, the quotes I have collected and add some of the wisdom I have gleamed through attending seminars, reading books and living my life and compile it into a book.

The thought of doing it both scares and excites me. I know that I will have to take a huge leap out of my comfort zone to achieve this, though the growth that I will gain will be more than worth it.
Flowers and a BookSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Benefits of Books

"Want to be interesting? Read.
Want to know the best thoughts of the greatest people? Read.
Want to know the greatest events in the countries of the world? Read
And with all your reading follow the advice of the wise Abbe Diment who said
We mustn't be content with reading good books, life is too short;
We must read only the best."

Marba C Josephson

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Well it's like this...

I managed to get here by experiencing a number of failures. But like Edison and his lightbulb, I looked at them as learning experiences. I am grateful for all the mistakes and challenges as they made me grow

Well it's like this...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

WOW!! What a Week

Last week I had the utmost privilege of being invited for the first to be a Senior Leader at Tony Robbins' Date with Destiny seminar. It was an awesome experience that I will never forget. I have done the program as a participant and got a lot out of it. As a leader it was a whole different experience as I focused on others rather than myself. We had nearly 70 people in our Team, and seeing them transform their lives, to be part of their metamorphose from individuals who were looking for direction, hope or that missing something to beautiful shining stars who had found their true selves that had been hiding behind masks or suffering under a heap of pain. To be in the presence of that much trust and love is something really special and I was able to learn so much about that myself.

I made a number of distinctions and decisions during the week including:

* When you put your judgment aside and look instead at a situation with love, the answers just arrive with so much clarity.

* When you have belief in yourself, the star qualities that others can see are able to really shine.

*You only grow when you step out of your comfort zone

* There comes a time when I have to stop trying to learn everything before I start using it.

* That everything I need is within ME now

* To accept a compliment allows someone else to give the gift of appreciation and should not be belittled.

*When I am passionate about something, speaking to a group is easy and actually a pleasure to share

*When done with the right intent, you can correct someone to help them grow. To minimise their faults will not allow them to grow

* If you don't like an aspect of your life, don't blame anyone (including yourself) just take responsibility for it and make moves to change it.

* Forgiveness is a gift that is liberating and makes you free

* Sometimes you have to challenge others to get them to step up and be their best

* It is an act of selfishness not to share your gifts with the world
WOW!! What a WeekSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Let us be grateful to people who make us happy;
They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom

Over the weekend, thanks to some much needed rain, I was able to tick off one of the "must take" images - roses with raindrops. These gorgeous blooms are the work of my in-laws and just happen to be in one of my favourite colours.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

First rule of relationships: Trust

Without this everything else is just too hard

First rule of relationships: TrustSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Must Do List

Have decided to create a MUST DO List - Things or experiences that I want to have done while I'm part of this world. Some have already been ticked off, but would do again if the opportunity arose.

- Go dog sledding
- Helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon
- Abseil
- Walk Overlander Trail in Tasmania
- Climb the Eiffel Tower
- Swim in the Medditarean
- Visit every continent
- Drive across Australia
- Stand on the Great Wall of China
- Sponsor a Guide Dog
- Grow a fruit tree from scratch
- Take Salsa dancing lessons
- Sleep in a European castle
- Drive a sports car in the French Riveria
- Publish a coffee table book of my photography and quotes
- Complete a marathon
- Enter a sand sculpting contest
- See gorillas in the world
- Have a second wedding to Steve on a Fijian beach
- Teach English overseas
- Visit the Machu Picchu ruins
- Attend a Venetian masked ball
- Take my kids to Disneyland
- Swim with wild dolphins
- Bake a sponge cake from scratch
- Play tennis at Wimbleton
- Go to soccer World Cup
- Parasail
- Climb a coconut tree
- Swim under a waterfall
- Write a thank you note to special teachers
- Live in house overlooking water
- Own a rocking chair
- Go on a cycle tour for at least a week
- Cable cars in San Francisco
- Swim in every ocean
- Sell art in 20 countries
- Toboggan down sand dunes
- Organise youth leadership camp
- Attend International Youth Leadership Summit
- African safari
- Paint a mural
- Go to the Olympics
- Have a lily pad pond
- Cuddle a tiger
- Create a teddy bear
- Visit Santa in Lapland
- Stand in Time Square
- Jet boat
- Zorbing
- Drive a paddle steamer up the Murray River
- Play soccer with elephants in Thialand
- Hand feed a baby chimp
- Take a cooking class in Tuscany
- Be in the presence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
- Go on a wellness retreat
- Establish a photography studio

This is an ongoing list and I will hopefully be crossing some off in the coming months as well as adding new ones. I'll keep you updated.
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Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Gift of Friendship

This is my best childhood friend, Donna. We met in Third class and have remained friends through thick and thin. I have just returned home from spending three days together. It seems like everything and nothing has changed. We have grown up and both have wonderful husbands and children, we have our our homes and responsibilities. Yet we still can confide our dreams and secrets without judgment. There was much laughter and tears. Even though we don't see each other enough, it seemed as if it was just yesterday we were together. I am so grateful for her friendship, her support and her love. Donna has always shared her family and her home with me as children and teenagers, and now as adults.

Unsurprisingly, our two daughters were extremely similar and after a brief period where they were sussing each other out, they were insepararable and for two very strong willed, spirited little girls (much like their mothers) there was next to no disputes. They laughed and played, their imagination soared and limits were tested.It was endearing and was like turning back time to see them together. I can only pray that they find a friendship that is as strong and enduring as mine has been with Donna, as it is the true meaning of friendship that all other friendships are measured from. Even though I know that all my friends are all so different and I love them all, often because of these differences, but there is nothing like your first best friend, especially when it survives 30 years and beyond.

Our Beautiful Girls
The Gift of FriendshipSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Old Friends

Tomorrow I am going away for a few days with my daughter, and will be catching up with one of my dearest friends. We first met in Year 3 in primary school and supported each other and celebrated numerous adventures growing up. First loves to first children, Donna has been in my life through it all. Her family treated me like one of their own in times when I truly needed acceptance, love and friends. Something I have always treasured and will be eternally grateful for. It is hard to believe that 30 years has passed. I am very excited about having a few days to catch up, remember good times and create new memories. We now live in different states and time together the last little while has been preciously few. I know however that regardless of how often or rarely we see each other, I am still part of her life and we will be friends no matter what. I love her for her lack of judgment and total acceptance and support of all that I do - even if others think I'm being rash and foolish, plus there is no "I told you so's" I know that I can be myself with no pretense - I can't get away with anything less as she knows me too well. Now our own daughters get a chance to become friends and considering how alike they are, even though they have never yet met, this next few days could be the start of a lifetime friendship for them. While we have grown up, and gone in separate directions with our lives, our hearts are still joined. I could only wish that everyone experience this type of true friendship at least once in their lives, as it is absolutely something to cherish. There have been times when we go too long without chatting, sometimes because life gets too routine, other times because there is stuff going on for which the telephone or internet is not sufficient. Would be nice to plan for regular get togethers. We will both be 40 before we know it and I would like to plan for a girls weekend (or week away) somewhere special, or maybe a family weekend and the rest of the time for friends. Something to look back on with fondness when we are sharing a verandah and rocking chairs.

Old FriendsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

101 Things to Photograph Before I Die

A while back I worked out a list of places that I will visit before I finish traveling this life. It was meant to stop at 100 but blew out to about 600 - there are just so many fabulous sights on this earth of ours.

Yesterday I came across a list of 12 things to capture posted on photopreneur But while some of them were inspirational, I decided to create my own personal list of must-shoots and I challenge you to do the same.

1. Wild dolphins
2. Fijian sunset
3. Moose in Canada
4. Pyramids
5. Dew covered rose
6. Desert sand dunes
7. Lightning storm
8. Rainforest
9. New York Skyline
10. Swiss Alps
11. Mediterranean cliffs
12. Bungy jumpers in NZ
13. Stain glass windows
14. Candle light
15. Isolated farm house
16. Derilict buildings
17. Shipwreck
18. Bellagio dancing fountains
19. Mountain sunrise
20. Bushfire
21. Venetian gondolas
22. Rusty truck
23. Butterfly
24. Lighthouse
25. Skiers
26. Horse race
27. Hand gliders
28. Monument Valley, Arizona
29. Gorillas
30. Eagle
31. Autumn leaves
32. Coal miner
33. Sistene Chapel
34. Stranded row boat
35. Mist filled valley
36. Rainbow
37. Bubbles
38. Water splash
39. Mongrel dog
40. Beauty pageant
41. Beach wedding
42. Polar bear
43. Castle
44. Uluru
45. Baby feet
46. Masked Ball
47. Buskers
48. Street theatre
49. Star trails
50. Baby chimp
51. Start of a marathon
52. Finish line of a marathon
53. Surf carnival
54. Old Timer Motorcyclist
55. Dutch windmills
56. Police dogs in training
57. Grunge band
58. Professional Dance contest
59. Reflection on a lake
60. Fireworks
61. Young love
62. Old love
63. Juggler
64. Flock of flamingos
65. Volcano
66. Rock climber
67. Field of ripe canola
68. Sand sculptures
69. Chipmunk
70. Great Wall of China
71. Country road
72. Hot Air Balloon
73. Zorbing
74. Silhouette
75. Happiness
76. Artist at work
77. Solar eclipse
78. Wild mushroom
79. Waterfall
80. Pillow fight
81. Tiger
82. Clouds
83. Panther
84. Kite flying
85. Back lit portrait
86. Gallipoli
87. Fear
88. Solitude
89. Extreme luxury
90. Morning frost
91. Pregnant belly
92. Eyes
93. Snow wolf
94. Mt Fuji
95. Bhutanese monk
96. Angkor Watt temples
97. Reunion
98. Shoes
99. Tasmanian devil
100. Masai warrior
101 Redwoods in Yosemite NP

I know some of them are cliched and cheesy, some are just general thoughts others are specific places. But while I've managed to cross some of the list, I want to try again to improve and skills and knowledge from the last time. I will probably keep adding to this as time goes on. If you want to share this list, that's great, if you want to add your own let me know I might not have thought of those ones yet. The plan is to one day publish a book using this list as a starting point of my 101 favourite images.
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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Where to go to get Inspiration for Your Photography

Are you, like me, struggling for new ideas?
Do your creative batteries feel as flat and lifeless as last weeks left overs?

I have found a list of at least 60 ways to breathe new life into your love of photography and re-energise your inspiration.

1. Play with Photoshop
So much of photography today happens after you have pressed the shutter button. Why not experiment a bit in a image manipulation program like Photoshop and see what you can discover and create.

2. Read the Manual
Your camera possibly has more settings, functions and potential than you know about...or know what to do with. Read and try something new.

3. Watch a Movie
Imagine some of the movie sets and action as stills and learn from the professional cinematographers. Lighting, landscapes, portraits are all found in your favourite films.

4. Read the Newspaper
Or more correctly look at the pictures especially for black and white ideas. Though the Sunday paper has some striking images and photojournalism in colour.

5. Visit a Flea Market
Strange objects mean strange shapes, odd shadows and plenty of potential for unique compositions

6 Shop at the Farmer's Market
An amazing source of colour, shapes, people and displays. Added bonus is fresh dinner too.

7. Check out some Wedding Photo Websites
The images on the Wedding Photojournalist Association website might get you thinking about events from a new angle. Instead of tripods and posing, get involved in the crowd and document the scene.

8 Hit the Water
You don't have to be a scuba diver to shoot underwater. Just grab an underwater housing and hit the beach, a swimming pool, pond or dam. Remember to look up as well as down as some gorgeous images can result when the light hits the water.

9. Hit the Streets
There is a reason street photography is popular - it constantly changes and there are so many images to be found.

10. Join a Demonstration
Demonstrations are full of colour, emotion and crowds. Have a go at abstract, photojournalism, portraits or something new.

11. Watch a Sports Event
If you can't get the prime spot with the pros and haven't got a lens longer than your arm why not go to the local oval on a Saturday afternoon. You can get closer and try something new or visit a club of a sport that is not usually covered - fencing, marital arts, croquet are a few ideas.

12. Visit the Zoo
It isn't quite your classic African safari but there are still a huge array of photographic subjects that are hard to come by anywhere else. You don't have to just shoot what's in the cages (with your camera of course) but check out the emotions and reactions of the visitors (especially kids) to the animals.

13. Shoot fast at a Race Track
Race tracks (cars, motorbikes, horses) give you the opportunity to use speed in your images. Fast cars and a faster shutter speed can make for some amazing images. You could also try rally driving if are prepared to get dirty or get really adventurous and take your camera in the car for a ride.

14. Visit an Exhibition
Obvious I know, but often forgotten. Most towns have art galleries that you will find photographic images. Have a look and check out what they did to get up on the wall.

15. Browse Google Images
You don't even have to leave home for this one. Toss random keywords in your search field and see what images turn up. Admire the good ones and ask what you could do to improve others.

16. Join Flickr Groups
The images in Flickr Groups are fabulous for getting ideas on a theme, also the discussions allow you to learn how to have a go at it. It allows you to post your pictures to get feedback for improvement and things to think about.

17 Just Step Back and Observe
For portrait photographers, the impulse is to get in there and get the shoots. Sometimes though lower your camera and just observing your subject can give you new insight to their personality and reveal a whole new side. Just have your camera ready for when they do that quirky unique thing that makes them special. This is true for children, adults, weddings, animals and anything else that moves.

18. Roam the World
While this is dream of most photographers, unfortunately it is not always possible. You can however, check out the internet or travel guides for places with interesting topography and see what other photographers have done with.

19. Change Your Angle
Are you like the majority of people who shoot an object from straight in front of it. Try changing your angle and shoot from down low or above or tilt your camera and see what you can create.

20. Change Your Time
Are you stuck in a rut of shooting at the same time every weekend? Break out and discover how the light at dusk, mid-afternoon, early morning or night can change your images and ideas. It's not just the change of light that can make a difference, just changing routine can give you a new perspective.

21 Browse Stock Sites
You don't have to be a buyer to check out the images on stock sites. Have a look at the top-sellers will give you an idea of what the market wants from professional photographers, but browsing various categories will give you ideas to try with a theme.

22. Write a Blog
Darren Rowse from Digital Photography School states how much writing about photography has improved his images. Don't worry if no body else reads it; just expressing your thoughts and ideas can lead to new ones.

23. Read a Blog
Here you can learn not only what happened to produce an image but where the idea came from and get to ask any questions you might have to help you create your own inspiring shoots.

24. Buy a Photography Book
Each photography book can give you a heap of new idea. Photography guides will show you different techniques to try out while books of image collections will inspire with the techniques the professionals have used. If money is in short supply - check out your local library.

25. Browse a Bookshop
Apart from photography books, have a look at the covers of any other books to get ideas for shots, especially commercial images.

26. Check out Magazine Racks
If you can get ideas from book covers, have a look at your local newsagency at all the magazine covers. As they are designed to stand out from the crowd, take note of what catches your eye and how you can use in your photography to make your next photo stand out too.

27. Make Friends in the Photography World
Some people like to shoot by themselves, others are happy to work in groups. Everyone can benefit from feedback, ideas and discussions with others. If you can't join groups physically, then there are plenty online communities.

28. Join Photography Organisations
If you are a professional or aspiring to be one, and are not a member of a professional photography association, then join. They can assist you with insurance, legal issues plus their news, contest and interviews with fellow photographers can inspire you and motivate you to make your own mark on the comunity.

29. Shoot Yourself
Again with the camera, things aren't that bad. But if you are lacking a subject, be brave and put yourself in the picture for once.

30. Revisit Your Past
Go back through that stack of old images you have stuck away, including the ones that make you cringe. Give them another look and try the shot again with your new skills and knowledge.

31. Revisit Old Places
The same goes for visiting locations. Even if you have used a location once before, it does not mean that you will take the same image days, months or years later. The light will have changed, your skills are different and so are you.

32 Ask Questions
Some of the greatest works of art have come from asking the best questions. The first one you could try asking is "What if...?" What if I try a new technique? What if I change focus? What if I look from a new angle? What if I get a flash of inspiration?

33. Leave Constructive Feedback
As mentioned, writing blogs can help with new ideas, as will writing comments about other people's work. Ensure that the feedback you leave is constructive and specific. I love the use of the natural lighting for example is a lot more beneficial than Great Shot! Look at the details and you can begin to incorporate them in your own work.

34. Join Photo Contests
Every man and his friends seem to have their own photo competition these days. Why? It's a great way to inspire photographers to shoot outside of their comfort zone and will challenge you to look outside of your routine.

35. Choose a theme
Competitions are useful as well as offering prizes, they also give you subjects to shoot. Or pick your own theme and run with it. One great one I've found is Photo Challenge where a different theme is given on a daily basis, but has a list of past themes to give you ideas and resources

36. Check out Major Winners

Have a look at the winners of national and international photo competitions and see how far your images are those at the top and what you need to do to get there.

37. Go Back to Basics
If you have had a camera for a while and have been bending and breaking the rules of photography in order to challenge yourself, go back to when you were first learning techniques and work within the guidelines with a new more experienced eye.

38. Just Shoot it
Alternatively, are you a stickler for the rules and don't take a shoot until all the elements are lined up. What you happen if you just went ahead without all the preparation. One of the joys of digital is that it allows you to delete "mistakes" but at worst all you have used is some memory space and time, in trying new compositions, lighting and ideas.

39. Get a Cause
What are you passionate about? It is amazing the motivation that can come from working for the common good. Select you favorite cause and offer them your skills. You could end up shooting all sorts of new challenges from advertising images, t-shirt graphics to emotional demonstrations. The variety is almost as satisfying as the involvement.

40. Play with Textures
Stop focusing on the composition and light and look instead at the texture of a subject. Emphasise the sense of touch rather than sight in a series of images and see what turns up.

41. Play with Colours
Rather than be traditional, have a go at painting your pictures with bold colours and sharp contrasts. Maybe a series of different tones, or just one or two colours and see what happens to your results. Is it time you experimented more with colours?

42. Drop the Colour
At the other end of the spectrum, you could go way back to focus on black and white. Often without colour, the shadows and contrasts increase in importance and change the feel of an image.

43. Play with Settings
Are you stuck in automatic? Change the settings on your camera, play with exposure, change the ISO, alter the shutter speed or aperture. Try a fully manual mode and then learn from your results.

44. Play with a Point and Shoot
Alternatively, you might be relying heavily on all the options that come from an expensive DSLR. I dare you to put it aside and grab a little piont and shoot. Downgrade in gadgets and upgrade your creativity.

45. Just Play
One of the great benefits of digital photography is there is no cost for making mistakes. So stop stressing about if a shot will turn out perfectly or will be a cringe-inducing disaster and just take pictures, Just enjoy the experience and forget about the results.

46. Try a Different Subject
Do you favor portraits, landscapes, wildlife? Why not try a different area? you don't have a do it professionally, but trying something new will give you new skills and techniques and could inspire new ways of creating amazing images

47. Read Forums
It has been said that photography groups can be a source of inspiration and learning, but so can photography forums. You can pose questions to get specific answers, but just reading through them can get the ideas flowing.

48. Start a Project
Once you have an idea for a single image why not expand on it and develop a whole series of photographs. See how far you can take the concept and include textures, light and composition.

49. Take a Photography Class
There is always something new to learn or a new way of approaching something. Photography class make new ideas and challenges very simple - you get assignments on topics and you come up with a novel view on a theme.

50. Take Any Class
Don't limit your education to just photography. What other interests do you have? Cooking classes allow you to improve your images with food and color, as will gardening, even a pottery class could be a source of new ideas and inspiration. Plus you will meet new people to be your models.

51. Define Your Perfect Image
What is your perfect picture? Can you visualise it? Bet it's in your head right now. How can you make it work and what has to happen to make it a reality? You know the answers, now you just have to go and do it.

52. Create a Shooting Schedule
There is a lot to be said about planning ahead. Decide in advance what you want to shoot and when and put it in your diary for the next few weekends or months, but don't forget to stay flexible and open to opportunities.

53. Try a New Model
Do you always use the same subject or models with similar looks? Have a go at a completely new look, the opposite sex, a different age or ethnic group. You will be amazed at how a new model will lead to new ideas.

54. Ignore Stupid Comments
While this might not improve inspiration it could stop it from being blocked. When you ask for feedback, you will often encounter someone with something dumb to say. You need to be able to separate the constructive comments from the pointless ones in order to learn and grow.

55. Do Something Totally Outrageous
Ever thought "That won't work!" and not tried a shot! But what if it had? Give yourself permission to do something outrageous and really silly sounding and see if it works. Shoot while spinning in a circle or out of a train window and treat it as a learning experience, even if you get some really strange looks while doing it. At least you will know what if...!

56. Limit Yourself'
Some fabulous works of art have been produced under strict cencorship. So challenge yourself. Limit yourself to one object or the next ten minutes or your street. Take the challenge and push your creativity under pressure.

57. Tell a Story
Imagine a story and then go out and take the images to go with it. For ideas read your local newspaper and then expand on it. It could be the local junior sports team, a charity event, a festival or natural disaster. Learn where the story began and illustrate it through to completion. Make sure to capture all the different characters.

58. Print Your Pictures
It is all well and good to view your images on a computer screen but nothing beats printing them out and holding them, or seeing them up on your wall matted and framed. Print them and test if they still work on paper or if not how you can improve them.

59. Travel
There is nothing like going to a new site, town, state or country to inspire different images. When travelling immerse yourelf in a different culture (just be aware of local customs and protocol) to get memorable results. If you can't travel, why not check out local festivals and look at it from a tourists' perspective.

60. Buy New Equipment
If all else fails, buy something new. A new lens or filter can spark some new ideas and images.

Where to go to get Inspiration for Your PhotographySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, March 27, 2009

What do we teach our children?

image from art4inspiration
This is an ancient Chinese proverb, that like so many teaches so much in so few words. I believe that while we can teach our children many important things, one essential element we can teach them is self-esteem. They need to discover this within themselves - while we can assist them develop it by adding positive marks on the fabric of their lives.

Self esteem can be compared to a table with four vital legs (or facets) that need to be balanced to be stable.

A Feeling of Belonging is the first leg. We all have an innate need to feel that we are a part of something larger than ourselves. A need that includes people, places and possessions. An instinct to belong, for being wanted, accepted, enjoyed and loved. It explains the bond of family, friends and teammates; it also explains why some teenagers may join gangs - this instinct is powerful, we want to belong even if it is wrong.

It's vital to make our children proud of their family, their heritage and make your home a place where they feel wanted, safe and loved. Also, make home somewhere our children want to bring friends, as opposed to a place they want to leave as soon as possible.

A Feeling of Individual Identity is the second leg, and enhances the first. We are all exquisitely unique with a one-off set of talents and traits that have never been seen before or will ever exist again in that same package. This could account for children believing their parents come from different planets.

Watch closely as your children grow and play, observe how they learn, take note of what they love to do in their spare time. It is so important to let them discover their own unique positive talents and then help nurture these into amazing skills. Remember there are some talents that cannot be measured by a report card.

A Feeling of Self Worth is the third leg, a feeling that I am happy to be me, just as I am. If we don't think that we are worthy of being loved, it is hard to accept that others love us. If we don't have our own approval, we have little to give to others.

All children need to be shown unconditional love. It is so important to separate the doer from the deed, the person from the behaviour. One of the most potent messages you can give your children is "I will love you no matter what you do or what happens - I am always there for you" This builds a sense of worthiness and inner value in our children. Along with a good night hug give them the reassurance that regardless of the events of the day you love them no matter what.

A Feeling of Control and Ability is the final leg. It is essential in this ever changing world that children have a believe in their ability to control what happens to them. This is the aspect that allows children to succeed. It is why it is vital to give children responsibility as early as possible, to give them opportunities to learn that their choices and efforts result in consequences and successes. The more they savor success, the higher their confidence and the more willing they will be to assume responsibility.

Just like we continue to encourage our toddlers to get back up after a fall and not belittle them for falling when they are learning to walk; we need to teach children that problems and setbacks are nothing more than temporary inconveniences and learning experiences. Emphasize that setbacks are not failures. When children see failure as a learning experience, they develop a willingness to take on new challenges and are less afraid to have new experiences. We all appreciate acclaim yet the highest benefit comes from when we truly believe that we are making a valuable contribution in life, measured through our own internal standards.

The more that I am involved with children, my own as well as many others I see the truth in the words of KAHLIL GIBRAN:

Your children are not your children
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself
You may give them your love but not your thoughts
For they have their own thoughts
You may house their bodies but not their souls
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit
Not even in your dreams
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them be like you
For life goes not backwards nor tarries with yesterday
What do we teach our children?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Pictures

Some of my favourite photos from the last month or so.

I got a new lens (a Tamron AF 28-300) and a new Speedlite flash unit so have been playing a bit more with different lighting effects. Would like to find the time to do some night city shots near the river. Actually would like to find the time to do something for myself rather than trying to fulfill everyone else's needs and expectations. Guess that is one of the joys of motherhood. I would like to say that I am extremely grateful for my two children, and realistically I do love them with my heart and soul. I do not like how they can not seem to be in the same room together without some drama happening, someone getting hurt or someone screaming - it is very tiresome. Also would prefer if they could respect the needs of others in the family and stop only thinking of themselves - might make life more peaceful. I have tried to teach them these values, and they manage to get it at school and with others - just not each other!! Can only hope that one day they will grow up to be friends, or they have their own children who can terrorise them (payback can be such a bitch).

Looking forward to the next few weeks. I am going back to the town I grew up in from my BFF parent's 40th wedding anniversary. Have mixed feelings about going back. Very excited about catching up with old friends and loved ones. Not so sure about having bad memories rekindled - there was a time I couldn't wait to escape from the place. Thankfully I can be grateful for the good times I experienced as well as the lessons I learnt at other times that I have been able to share with others and that Have shaped me into who I am today.

Also catching up with family over Easter. Steve has a few weeks off so will be in for some R&R. Then I am off down the coast for a personal development seminar and leadership where I can catch with some beautiful friends who bring out the best in me and will push me to the next level.
New PicturesSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Sunday, February 15, 2009

One Step

Last week I mentioned that one of my goals was to get to a healthy weight. I took the first step in making the decision that enough is enough - I've had it with not having enough energy to do what I love doing, and having clothes that don't fit comfortably. Then I took another step in actually getting off my bum and going to the gym. Our family diet will also be getting an overhaul - though the kids can still get school treats - I will just have to increase my will (Or won't) power and just leave them in the cupboard. I've got an appointment with a personal trainer next week to help my on this journey and to help me work out the be way to go about it.

As of this morning I weigh 78kg with a 39% body fat. During the next 12 weeks I aim to have that to 60kg and 29%. That's only 1.5kg a week - not hard when you break it down really (I hope)

Guess the hardest step is already over and now I work on building the momentum to take my over the line.

One StepSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Achieving Goals

I was moving some stuff around - in the pretense of cleaning up!! and came across a workbook from when I was a participant at Date with Destiny in 2005. One of the exercises we had to complete was writing a list of dreams that we wanted to achieve. I had that list written in my journal but have not looked at it for sometime. As I read through it, I realised that I have achieved about half of the things on the list. It was then that I was hit by the power of not only having dreams and goals but also in sharing them.

Since 2005 I have achieved all of the following:

1. Getting my teachers degree
2. Working with challenged children
3. Develop my skills in photography and art
4. Starting my own photography business
5. Having a flying lesson
6. Becoming a mentor for teenagers
7. Mediate regularly
8. Let go of baggage from the past
9. Have an annual holiday with family
10. Speak publicly about goals and dreams
11. Become a senior leader for Tony Robbins
12 Take a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon

There were others, that I no longer have any desire to achieve as I have grown as a person and my priorities have changed. But it was the act of pursuing these goals that I have learnt lessons, gained insights and become a better person. Then some are still on the list and I plan to tick them over in the near future.

However, I am committed to sharing a revised list for 2009

1. I will sell at least two artworks per month
2. I will be working as a paid photographer, having at least three appointments per month
3. I will sell artwork in at least 6 different countries
4. Assist in organisation and running of at least 3 Youth Camps
5. Swim with dolphins with family
6. Earn $500 a month from logo design work
7. Attend functions at childrens' schools when scheduled
8. Hug my husband and children at least everyday and tell them I love them
9. Spend at least a week with both extended families
10 Go to the gym at least 3 times per week
11 Fit comfortably into size 10 jeans

Now I need to work on the why and the how - that's a task to share with my journal as my thoughts flow easier when I'm writing as opposed to typing.

Also just want to share an artwork that I would like to dedicate to my best friend, Donna. She will understand why. I just ask that she stop being her own worst critic (a bad habit for many women) and find some love and acceptance in all the beauty that makes her, her - a special, unique, loving and caring individual. This image and others like it can be found at my website
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Monday, February 9, 2009

The Angel Inside

Just finished reading the book "The Angel Inside" by Chris Widener - a short little fable full of some great lessons in life. It uses Michelangelo's David to inspire us to take our lives to the next level. To encourage and challenge us to create a life of power and beauty.

One of the quotes in the book really resonated with me. It is:

There comes a time in every person's life when they must decide whether they will follow what they want for their life or what someone else wants for their life.

I spent years at high school and then at university chasing someone else's dreams, putting aside my own in the hope of love, acceptance and recognition. While I excelled and have some fantastic friends and memories from these times, I know now with the benefit of hindsight, that my heart was not engaged. When I did finally pursue my dreams for my sake, life soared. I can only hope that I have shown my own children that you need to follow your heart, so that happiness in all its glory can be theirs. Yet, I am unsure of whether I had to still follow that path to arrive at where I am today. If I had gone to art school instead of university will I have met the love of my life, would I have two gorgeous children.

This brings me to another part of the book. Michelangelo is talking about the process of creating the sculpture David, one of the greatest works of art ever created, one that I hope to see in reality one day not just in pictures. Michelangelo states that sculpting has 4 stages - chipping, sculpting, sanding and polishing - all are necessary to take some from the raw material to the finished work of art. He then adds

We must go through the same progression: Chip away what doesn't belong, sculpt our lives and give them form through the people we associate with and the information we take in, allow the rough spots of our lives to be sanded away through adversity and suffering, and then and only then, are we ready to be polished and let our power and beauty show in all of it's glory.

Do we have to go through the mistakes, the pain in order to grow into the best that we can? Do we need to be sanded by adversity, by trials and suffering to give meaning to our lives? How many of us what to be able to shine, to let the world see how beautiful we are without putting the work in to really own the moment? What lessons can we get from the negative circumstances that do occur in our lives?

Finally, one last quote that I want to find an image for:

Live your life with Excellence. Become a person that others will be proud to know. Do the best you can at your work. And everything that is destined to pass will indeed come to pass.

Keep an eye out for a new series of inspirational prints at my website to check if I have found the perfect image, or send me some feedback of what you think could go with this amazing quote.
The Angel InsideSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend